5-Day Social Media Strategy

Let's start with a social media calendar. Choose your daily theme based off your company's culture and goals. Below is an example of an Urban Winery's 5-Day Social Media Strategy. 

Next up, make sure you have a purpose for each one of your daily themes.

Monday - WineUp Mondays
Purpose: Engage your fans with quotes and wine-related facts.

Tuesday - Urban Winery Education

Purpose: Educate your customers and fans about what sets an Urban Winery a part from others, in terms of benefits and alternate techniques. Expand on how Urban wineries have a higher quality and more unique flavor profile than other choices in stores.

Wednesday - Wine Club Wednesdays

Purpose: Talk directly to your Wine Club audience about special events just for them. Show upcoming special or exclusive wines to gain some excitement. Stir up an interest for those who are not yet a Wine Club member. Keep in mind they're all potential Wine Club members. 

Thursday - Call to Action

Purpose: Ask your audience to come in for happy hour, to purchase a wine club subscription, to comment on your latest post, or to answer a noteworthy question. This helps create a metric of sales and comments, but also to test the ROI of your audience.

Friday - In the Cellar | Happenings & Events.

Purpose: Let your fans know of events that are happening this weekend. Show them amazing new wines that are available for fills or tasters. Give them a reason to think of you throughout their weekend.