Micro-Content Creation
As the old saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Social Media and the influx of information available to us on the internet is forcing us as business owners to present our information in a different way. You may be very inclined to write a 1,000 word blog to explain your new product, but sometimes you really only need two sentences and a picture. That's Micro-Content.
For example, we could have talked about the process of cooling down freshly roasted coffee beans and the process of storing them in bins for a day to let the essential oils cool down. Then how each bag is carefully measured by hand, weighed, and hand-packed. Then how fresh beans are delivered to the bar and our professional baristas use a dialed in $1000 dollar grinder to grind the beans. Then only then, are the beans brewed for your enjoyment.
Or we could just film this sexy video with our iPhones. That's right, iPhones!
Ahh, wasn't that better?
And since we really really like our Micro-Content, here is some more for your viewing pleasure.
Mmmm, yeah. Micro-Content.